Insurance referral marketing ideas to help you get more REFERRALS

Scholarship Farm
5 min readNov 5, 2021

Insurance referral marketing will help you grow your business, retain your existing customers and achieve your income goals, it’s time to implement a customer referral program.

The purpose of the referral program is to attract new potential customers to your business. But you’re not just attracting someone. I ask customers to think about the people who benefit from your product or service, they will refer to potential customers who are well suited for your brand.

This only makes it easier for your marketing and sales teams to educate and attract customers, as they are not only well-suited to your business, but also familiar with your company and its reputation. Because they are approached by someone they know, they have a reliable resource that tells them that your company is trustworthy and creates a positive customer experience.

What is the secret to getting more insurance referrals?

Creating a formal referral program is the key to consistently engaging customers and building leads. When creating your Insurance referral marketing strategy, always remember that your insurance agency is unique, and so should your referral program. If you want your referral program to resonate with your customers, you need to design it for them.

A lot of things start before you can turn your clients into your advertizers and start asking them to refer others. Your customers should be satisfied with the services you provide, and after that you should support them even higher than expected. This strategy will strengthen their trust in you, and it will help to naturally start the flow of appeals.

How do insurance agents create a referral network?

Incentive programs work only if they are properly tracked. The easiest way to do this is to fill out an insured form. The referral form is simply a way to track incoming applications from existing customers. This can be a free Google form that you send to customers to complete. One of the benefits of using Google Forms is that they automatically upload and pre-populate data into a Google Spreadsheets spreadsheet.

At first glance, Insurance referral marketing seems very simple: get other people to send you known potential customers. There are proven and true methods of implementing these types of referral programs. But it is worth reviewing some old ideas to see if there are new trends, technologies and systems that can be added to your referral programs to keep them fresh and effective.

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Insurance referral marketing ideas

· Investigate how referrals come to your business.

A good place to start is to assess where and how referrals come to your business — or if they come to your business at all. Here you need to involve marketing, sales management, support — anyone who would be responsible for building relationships with customers — and evaluate how they have traditionally dealt with referrals. This will give you an idea of ​​where you are already.

You also need to know what an existing customer is worth. Compared to the time spent monitoring and managing embedded programs, how many referrals do you need to become break-even? A conversion rate of 10% for referrals is on average a good starting point (and this, of course, depends on the size of your business and growth goals).

· Create customer personalization

Customer identities are the result of researching your actual customers. Staff will illustrate your customers and segment them by their key features. This will allow you to identify specific goals, issues or needs and understand your clients at a deeper level to gain in-depth information on how to increase the number of insurance agency referrals. For example, you can divide your customers by the number of employees or the industry in which they work.

· Create Contests or Giveaways

Contests or raffles can encourage customers to refer to new leads. For example, you can only run a contest to attract customers if they send a certain number of leads to your business. This may mean providing a list of emails or registering for a free trial or membership.

The only risk you take during competitions is the quality of potential customers. If customers randomly choose their peers, you may not get potential customers who are interested in your business. It will cost your marketing and sales team time as they sort out contacts that are not suitable for your company.

· Create a consistent promotion cadence

You lose 100% of insurance referrals that you do not ask your customers. With a spreadsheet or customer relationship management software, you can keep track of how much time has passed since your customers logged in, and how much time has passed since you last asked them if there was anyone who could use your services. You can choose to call each customer every three months, once every six months or once a year. It is only important to make sure that you have a plan to implement the insurance program.

· Use an email signature

In addition to your phone number and email address, add a link to your email signature that allows people to schedule a call with you directly using software such as Calendly. This software integrates with digital calendars and lets current and potential customers know when you are ready to receive their call. When someone asks your client for insurance advice, they can forward the email you sent earlier, and the prospect can set a time to talk as soon as possible.

· Use social media and technology

Co-sponsor a free webinar or seminar with other business partners. Insert your contact information into the chat feature or add it to your background using a filter or even a low-tech board. Meet younger potential customers online, where they spend their free time.

Join Clubhouse, an audio chat that allows people to come together to discuss a variety of topics. In your case, work with several experts in your field and create a space for communication and informing the audience. With Clubhouse you can open a conversation for listeners who can ask questions and suggest their own experiences.

· Follow up on your referrals quickly.

When you do land on solid lead, take advantage of it immediately. Don’t let your referrals sit for too long, otherwise you may miss the opportunity to protect these new customers. Remember that while your customer may have referred this person to your business, he or she may have referred it to other companies.

Moreover, you do not know what research your own client has done on their own, and you may have to give up participating in the competition they have been considering for some time. After all, the sooner you make an impression, the more likely you are to make a deal.

